As a practicing veterinarian and published author, Clare is the pioneer of an exciting new literary genre: the veterinary medical thriller—stories of action, suspense, and a touch of horror, with a veterinarian in the starring role! Her debut novel The Keys of Death will keep you guessing until the end and pondering its implications long after you’ve turned the final page.

Clare also writes supernatural thrillers—chilling tales of ghosts, monsters, and other fantastic phenomena that defy the laws of science. Volume 1 of the Startling Figures series is available now, with more to come!

Three stand-alone tales of the supernatural.

A small-town veterinarian investigates a series of animal attacks and comes face-to-face with monstrous evil. A theoretical physicist discovers how to be two places at once…but pays a terrible price. And a ruthless murderer finds a way to keep killing–even after he’s dead.

Three stories. Three journeys. Three encounters…with startling figures.

Startling Figures - Volume 1



Explore Splanchnics: a unique and entertaining podcast for all listeners interested in literature, cinema, games, and just about everything else. Hosted by published author Clare T. Walker and her daughter, Hannah Kubiak. The interactions between Gen X-er Clare and Millennial Hannah are always insightful and sometimes hilarious. Nevertheless, this is Very Serious Podcast!

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