Clare Walker Clare Walker

Season 2 Ep. 12: The Duke Leto Atreides Fan Club

Clare and Hannah watch Denis Villeneuve’s 2021 film adaptation of Dune and immediately sit down to talk about it. We’re both big fans of Duke Leto, and Hannah keeps wanting to talk about the Gom Jabbar for some reason.

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Clare Walker Clare Walker

Season 2 Ep. 11: Book Discussion: Watership Down (Pt. 2)

Clare and Hannah continue to dive down the rabbit hole and talk about Richard Adam’s 1972 adventure novel Watership Down. In Part 2 of this discussion, we talk about the qualities of a great leader: trusting your followers, offering peace to hostile neighbors, and saving the lives of random mice.

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Clare Walker Clare Walker

Season 2 Ep. 9: Introversion & Extroversion

Clare and Hannah may look exactly the same, but they’re a lot different under the surface. One of them is introverted, and the other is extroverted. I wonder if you can guess which is which?

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Clare Walker Clare Walker

Season 1 Ep. 17: Book Club: Fahrenheit 451

Clare and Hannah gush about Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451", its relevance today, and how important it is to pass on what we have learned to future generations.

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength. Mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." -Yoda

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